

Friday, 23 January 2015

The Seal of Ordo Eirene

The Seal of Ordo Eirene

The Sign of Mikael in Water and Earth, The Sign of John the Eagle, the Sign of Andrew Protokletos
The Swan, The Eagle and The Goose.

The Jewel of Ordo Eirene is Green, Red and Blue

set in silver, gold and copper and fixed and awarded by

The Horae or Hours:

Order, Natural Justice and Peace 

 or Eunomia, Diké, Eirene

Eunomia, Diké, and Eirene, were law-and-order goddesses.   Goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time, who come and go in accordance with the firm law of the periodicities of nature and of life.  Hora means "the correct moment" which in this epoch means the Mikael Moment; the window of opportunity which opens and closes according to the will of the Spirit.
Traditionally, they guarded the gates of Olympus, promoted the fertility of the earth, and rallied the stars and constellations.
This tradition the members of Ordo Eirene uphold.

Recognised Masters

Ordo Eirene recognises 3 Masters of the Rose Cross for their emblematic Empirical productivity

Goethe, Mozart and Burns

The Commanderia

This comprises 4 Philosophers, 3 in the Spiritual World and one on Earth

"I have always considered dismissal to be the normal crowning of my career"

Simone Weil, 1907-1943,  Philosopher of Science and Metaphysician; founder of Simonean Metaphysics.  Spiritual founder of Ordo Eirene.  Author of Gravity and Grace.

"Ignorance is not a sin, we are all born ignorant; wilful ignorance, however, is an abomination."

Elizabeth A. MacKenzie, 1953-2009,  Philosopher of Science, Metaphysician and Esotericist ; founder of The Aesthetics of Economics and co-founder of Ordo Eirene. Author of Aesthetics of Economics in the Light of the Folk Spirits.

"Sooner or later those who neglect logic can expect a serious soul drama.  Crisis will erupt."

Irina Gordienko, 1964-1999, Philosopher of Spiritual Science and Esotericist, Mathematician. Spiritual founder of Ordo Eirene.  Author of Sergei O. Prokofieff. Myth and Reality.

"Were I not a world knower, but world creator,  object and subject (percept and I) would originate in one act."

Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925, Philosopher of Science, Epistemologist, Esotericist and founder of Spiritual Empiricism.   Author of The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.


from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן Šimʻôn, meaning "He (God) has heard." 

The Scripto Laboratorium of Ordo Eirene

In order of precedence;

  1. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity by Rudolf Steiner
  2. Sergei O. Prokofieff, Myth and Reality by Irina Gordienko
  3. Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil
  4. Shepherds Fire, Advanced Esotericism of Aesthetics of Economics by Elizabeth A MacKenzie
These texts are the study for members or interested fellow Esotericists. The conjunction provides an access to the Mercury/Venus healing intention in the constellation of Ordo Eirene's founding.

The Laboratorium Proper

In the Laboratorium Proper takes place the teaching of the praxis of Ordo Eirene.  

The Spiritual Science of the Alchemical processes in the fields of  Initiation Science, Material Science and Social Science is under the tutelage of teachers; the method is by Symposia and the proofs are by demonstration.

There is no admittance to the Laboratorium Proper except by appointment.
Currently there are 3 practising, publishing spiritual scientists recognised by Ordo Eirene active in the Laboratorium Proper and a number of apprentice laboratory technicians.

At the present moment the two teachers active are

The Philosopher's Stone of Edinburgh

Potassium Dichromate  K2Cr2O7

The crystal has been in the School of  Chemistry at Edinburgh University for as long as anyone can remember.  It is unknown who made the crystal.  The teaching of Chemistry at Edinburgh began in 1713.  Great skill was needed to grow the cluster due to its size.  Count St. Germain's first chronicled appearances were in London and Edinburgh.  Legend has it that Count St Germain was imprisoned in Edinburgh as a suspected Jacobite spy during the Jacobite uprising of 1745.